Green & Growing MASTERMIND

The bistro tables at the Marriott in Savannah, in the truck on the way to ANY FFA event, in the lobby of the Tenaya Lodge in Yosemite, in my Instagram DMs, in the dining hall at the FFA Camp in Covington, while waiting for the kids to finish CDE events...Those are some of the BEST professional development "sessions" I've ever been to.Sounds weird, maybe. Probably not if you are an ag teacher. In the past you have sat down and probably gotten the BEST information, ideas, encouragement and more, just sitting with other ag teachers, not in planned PD sessions, right?Not knocking those PD sessions (believe me, I host them multiple times a year and LOVE doing it). BUT, one hour with a group of people is NOT EQUAL to multiple hours with the same group of people over a period of time....which is why I am SO excited to be starting the Green & Growing MASTERMIND group!If you’re green you’re growing.pngProfessional Development is a dirty word in the education field.It's dry and sometimes useless and immediately elicits simultaneous eye-rolls.But, it doesn't have to be.That is where Green and Growing MASTERMIND comes in...Think about a group of people who are here SOLELY to provide...COMMUNITY, COLLABORATION and CELEBRATION!That's right, that's it...Why not provide us ag teachers what we really need-- like minded people, in the same field, with the same struggles, hunkering down together and trudging through the muck working toward a better career in agriculture education.That is what Green and Growing is all about!Like the idea... me too!THE FIRST GREEN & GROWING MASTERMIND will start in January 2019!If you are interested, go HERE for more information & application.Since this is the first ever Green & Growing Mastermind, we will keep the group very small. You can apply here :) And by apply, I mean tell me more about you and why you would like to be a part of Green & Growing!Looking forward to chatting with you about this cool opportunity :)I will be hosting an Instagram Live over on @agteacherhowtos on FRIDAY DECEMBER 1st at 8:30 p.m. EST to talk all about the Green & Growing MASTERMIND. Join me to ask any burning questions---or reach out to me via email or Instagram.


Final Exam Projects


Digital Escape Rooms (via Google Forms & OneNote)