Resources for Agriculture Teachers

Green & Growing is your place for quality resources, curriculum and support year-round.

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  • The place for agriculture teachers to get what you need, quick!

    Visit this page to find takeaways for your classroom, today.

  • Get monthly emails from the Green & Growing team with inspiration, lesson ideas and G&G community happenings!

    Click here to sign up for the Gazette!

  • The Green & Growing Podcast’s mission is to provide ideas, inspiration, collaboration and community through growth-professional and personal for agriculture education teachers.

    Listen to the Podcast

  • Find content for everything you need from the classroom to FFA and SAE, teacher tips, motivation, and more.

    Click here to read the blog.

Germinate Conference $199

Virtual conference for agriculture teachers.
Join us July 1-3, 2025.

Starter Packs $29

Tailored-to-you resources to help you grow confidence in the classroom

Germinate Hall of Fame Sessions

A curated selection of crowd-favorite single Germinate sessions available for purchase.

  • "It is organized by Ag Teachers who are 'working in the trenches' and know what it is like. It is not a 'u-Rah, Rah' session, but information you can really use, while picking and choosing topics in each of the 3 circles."

    Melinda G.

  • "Germinate is a conference for fresh ideas and learning that you can do at your own pace. If you are able to make the live parts, you also get the comradery that only fellow ag teachers can provide just by being there. Its also a great way to expand your professional network to the national scale."

    Katie G.
    New Hampshire

  • "Before discovering G&G, my biggest challenge was finding a safe space to ask questions. I got caught up in the comparison game and placed way too much of my value on FFA awards. Since getting involved with G&G, I have grown so much as a teacher and as a person. I’ve gone from a procrastinating, fly by the seat of your pants teacher to a planner who crushes goals and is able to live a better balanced life."

    Megan M.

  • "Germinate is an ala carte experience in the best way- there are things you can do with groups like watch parties, but also it can be done on your own at your own pace. The sessions are easy to digest but still give you a lot to take back to your program or classroom. I hope to continue to attend this event each year. "

    Lori S.

  • "It is a good way to expand your knowledge of how to teach the classes are run your FFA program. It is so cool to be able to hear from teachers outside of the state that you teach in and see how they are running their programs and teaching their classes."

    Mariah D.

Download Five Free Substitute Teacher Plans

We know what it feels like to have to prepare to be out of the classroom. Green & Growing is here to help you feel supported.

Lift a little weight off your shoulders with these free sub plans, and feel confident your students will have quality activities while you’re away.

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The Green & Growing blog is your go-to resource for all things agriculture education.

Find content for everything you need from the classroom to FFA and SAE, teacher tips, motivation, and more.

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If you have a question about Green & Growing Education’s resources,
share your information below and we’ll reach out to you within 24 hours.