Pockets full of joy


Around 5:45 a.m. most weekdays I sleepily walk into my local Pure Barre studio, I am immediately greeted by name by one of kind and fierce instructors.I grab my ball, tube and weights and head to my spot at the barre, front left corner with the tiny sliver of mirror.For the next 50 minutes I strive to be as crazy strong a Giselle, as hilarious as Danielle and as poised as Haley when I am working by butt off.This is a small pocket of joy in my life.While watching Queer Eye the other week this quote stood out to me."You have to create little pockets of joy in your life to take care of yourself."-Jonathan Van NessI am not sure I could love that quote more.In my early years as a teacher, I didn't have many pockets of joy for me.I was a newly wed, in the new town (and state), struggling with my content and students. I had no outlet. I had my wonderful husband, but nothing for me. And then my sweet daughter was born, who brought joy and let's be honest more stress at times. Before she turned one, my husband deployed for over 7 months. I was solo parenting, solo teaching, and surviving on grocery store sushi and popcorn. I also made the big move to Georgia all without my husband. Still no pocket of joy. I was happy, successful, and had a good, very blessed life. But, no pocket of joy, and I FOR SURE didn't take care of myself.It really took until early 2017 that I finally started realizing if I am not going to prioritize myself, who will? Answer nobody. I needed to take care of me, before I could be the best mom, wife, and teacher I could be.Slowly I added little things that provided ME joy, pure barre, my Thursday night women's small group, volunteering at church, and slowly my cup began to fill.Can you put your hand in a pocket of joy when you need it. Do you know that one thing that lights you up when you need a pick me up. Do you feel like you can't or don't have time to do this?As a mid-career (what? I'm in my mid-career, how'd that happen?!) teacher, I urge you to find yourself. What brings you joy, and make that a priority in your week. Remember you cannot pour from an empty cup.Wanna chat about your pocket of joy? Let me know! Bonus points for an awesome hobby you can teach me :)


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