Maximize your summer time

beach beautiful bridge carribeanAhhhhhhh, sigh of relief! It's summer time!(I know some of you are still winding down, you got this)I am pretty sure teachers are more excited about summer than students.And I know we still work in the summer. A lot of ag teachers across the nation have extended contracts throughout the summer to engage with students through the three circle model.For me, that looks like two weeks of camps we put on, one week of FFA camp, a half-week of professional development at our state conference, three days of hosting my own virtual summer conference, a couple days of officer training, days of SAE visits, two days a week with students at our farm and more.Doesn't sound like much of a summer, but OH IT IS.Wanna maximize your summer time?Here is my advice for you!SCHEDULE IT ALLSeriously, to the hour. I know that if I don't schedule it (A) won't get done or (B) I'll spent too much time doing one thing that I don't have enough time to do the rest.I have to be organized with my time management or I will waste away the summer I have.I am a big fan of Google Calendar, its quick and easy and always accessible. If you know you have a really busy week (for me camp weeks are crazy), make sure you schedule some breaks afterword to relax with the family or go on a little vacation!I like to break up my summer so I have some time for my own bucket filling, while still getting all the required time of my contract completed.So, how do you spend your summer?Let me know!


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