What you do today, will show up a year from now

I heard that quote for the first time early this year at my GUIDE Culture training.And it struck me.I think back to a year from today. I know that the little deposits I was making in myself have paid dividends a year later.And it all started with changing one thing in my life.Let me take you back to Black Friday 2018. It had been about 9 months since I had my son Callan and I needed a change. An advertisement for Pure Barre popped up on my social media. I used to do it consistently but had some pregnancy issues that made me stop and then I didn't prioritize anything but baby snuggles for the 4 months I was off work with him. So, I decided, I am in the groove with work now and handling my two little loves. I can commit to working out again.I have now been going to my Pure Barre studio consistently since December 2018. But, that was just the start of the snowball effect.-My husband and I joined a married couples small group-I started First Friday Webinars-The Green & Growing Mastermind was born-I invested in my first personal development course-The idea of a virtual conference was planted in my brainAll from one thing. When you invest in yourself, in whatever way you need, it will pay off. I needed a big turn around in 2018, and getting a grasp on my health was just the beginning. So many other amazing things have happened. I am happier and in a much better place mentally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and it all overflows into my classroom teaching. I am a better teacher when I take care of myself. I truly can see it the days I don't work out or have a minute to myself, I am sluggish and unmotivated.Am I in a perfect place, no. We never will be. But, the thought is this, what are you doing today that you will thank yourself for a year from today?


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