Start With Inquiry Based Learning Using FFA Wonder Week: Downloadable Inside

If you have been around the G&G block for a bit, you know Sarah loves the Wonder Week activity created by John Spencer.

And she loves to add her own spice to that idea of adding more inquiry in simple ways to her classes.

Ready to see the newest wonder week creation?

Simple, short and sweet FFA Wonder Week!

Here is how to use this assignment

1️⃣ Download template (copy of Google Slide)

2️⃣ Provide an editable copy to your whole class (duplicate slide 3 for students, maybe even write their names on their given slide) OR post on LMS and provide each student their own copy of the slides deck

3️⃣ Allow students about 1 class period (high school) to wonder about something in FFA (ex. I wonder what the AET is? I wonder what scholarships FFA offers? I wonder how they came up with the emblem design etc.) Example from 🙋‍♀️ below ⬇

4️⃣ Have students present to class LIVE or via Flipgrid or your favorite tech tool

5️⃣ Enjoy the student led learning 👊


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