Sarah Nerswick Sarah Nerswick

One Word 2021

Y’all I loved this in 2019, and now it’s back!

The new year is around the corner (so is GERMINATE Virtual Conference).

Time to think about how we want to see 2021, and what to personally focus on to move forward.

What a great opportunity to do this with your students…

But, any old worksheet just won’t do this justice! This is a BIG DEAL so it needed to be more that JUST an activity.

So, after thinking and seeing some other ideas similar to this online (like All About Me banners) I decided to make my own 

And thus, the One Word Banner was made.


On the back side are prompts to run through with the kids.

  • Step 1: Brainstorm as many words as you can that will embody 2021.

  • Step 2: Circle THREE that you like the most and write why you could see that as your ONE WORD.

  • Step 3: Pick ONE WORD and explain why that one is the best for you in 2021.

  • Step 4: On the other (blank) side creatively design your ONE WORD for 2021.

After they were done I decided to hang them on my personal growth wall (I have the FFA mission on the different walls of my room).

It was a GREAT activity that the kids took seriously and I love how for the rest of the semester they will be able to SEE their personal WORD day in and day out!

Wanna try it out? Here is a link to the document!

If you try it out with your students make sure you tag @sarahnerswick & @greenandgrowingedu so I can see the awesomeness your students create!

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