Officer Team Training and Leadership Development


What is one thing that is on your mind this time of year?

The excitement of installing and new officer team and hoping you have the skills to prepared them for their year of service next year.

And we totally get it, officer training was not a class you took in college.

What we do know is there can be a way to train those officers well, prepare them to take the lead and have ownership over the successes and failures of the school year.

If you are thinking, “how the heck can I do that?”

GOOD NEWS you have access to the G&G Fundraising Specialist Teacher, Lori Sanderson. She is excited to help you get those leaders ready for the next school year!

Here is what she can support you with:

-Advising and Supporting an Officer Team

-Providing Leadership Building activities in class and for your chapter

Here is what you should do next!

  1. Head over to Lori’s Specialist Roster Page

  2. Watch her introduction video

  3. Download her takeaway 

  4. Connect with her via Instagram or Email for you specific fundraising needs

Need other specialized support, check out the other G&G specialist teachers!


Investing in yourself: Your professional growth opportunity for 2023


Teaching Leadership in Your Classroom