FFA Sarah Nerswick FFA Sarah Nerswick

How You Can Raise Funds for Your Chapter Without Fundraising

We all know the *typical* FFA fundraisers…

Boston Butts

Plant Sales


Meat Sticks


Cookie Dough

And the list goes on.

What if there was a way for you to earn money for your chapter without the constant management of a typical fundraiser?!

There are a few ways that G&G community members have found success in some not so typical fundraisers! Hear from these successful teachers on the latest episode of the G&G Podcast!

Business sponsorships

Learn how Allison Heald from Alabama got her students National Convention trip paid for by local businesses on the G&G Podcast Episode 132.

Donors choose

Amber Nead from North Carolina has received over $4800 from Donors Choose to fund 7 projects!. Need some tips? Check out her Germinate session from Summer 2020.

Community partners

Your community could be just waiting for the opportunity to help your chapter reach it’s fundraising goals. Check out Cara Parlato-Butler’s Summer 2022 Germinate session on building community partnerships.

Letter writing

What if a simple letter could bring in thousands of dollars for your chapter. Learn how on Episode 18 of the G&G Podcast

School Based Enterprises

Fundraising could be your day to day happenings. Doggy daycare, farmers market, floral shop, the sky is the limit. Check out Abbey Brown from Georgia’s Germinate 2022 Summer session on implementing School Based Enterprises

Ps... wanna raise some funds for your personal development? G&G's inangual PD scholarship application is OPEN. Check it out here!

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Sarah Nerswick Sarah Nerswick

Your Guide to Training Your FFA Members to Fundraise With Ease

It’s fundraising season…

Isn’t every season fundraising season? 

Fundraising isn’t about money

It’s about opportunity, it’s about impact, it’s about legacy!

The funds you raise gives students an opportunity which impacts their lives and can eventually lead to a legacy they build for their families, friends and careers.

It’s not about meat sticks, plants or fruit. It’s so much more. And that is the VERY reason we should put more intention and care into our fundraisers!

If you are looking for that intention and care. Here are a few tips!

1.Be a storyteller

You know what sells? Things that people can buy EMOTIONALLY. How much more likely are you to buy the wreath from the kid who told the story about how the wreath is helping their chapter sponsor a local animal shelter versus the kid who just asks for the sale?

Teach the students to tell the story of the fund. Remember you aren’t raising money, you are raising opportunities!

2. Be specific

Confused people don’t sell! When you are SPECIFIC about your fundraiser it is easier for people to buy. Be specific about WHAT you are selling, WHERE you are selling it, WHEN they can pick up, and WHY you are selling it (remember to be a story teller). Make sure you your students know the answers to all of these questions before selling!

3. Find your people

Not everyone wants a wreath, not everyone wants a geranium, not everyone wants a meat stick, not everyone wants a donut. AND THAT IS OK. Your job is to FIND the people who DO want it and SHOW UP where they are! Selling meat sticks with a newspaper article might not hit the right audience. Selling the plant sale with posters around the school might not hit the right audience. Dive deep into WHO the RIGHT buyer is, and find out where they show up, and sell there!

September 2022 is all about fundraisers in the G&G world! Be ready to learn more about how to continue to focus on the intention of fundraisers! Wanna hear some real life examples of being a storyteller, being specific and finding your people? Check out Episode 131 on the Green & Growing Podcast!

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