Officer Team Training and Leadership Development
What is one thing that is on your mind this time of year?
The excitement of installing and new officer team and hoping you have the skills to prepared them for their year of service next year.
And we totally get it, officer training was not a class you took in college.
What we do know is there can be a way to train those officers well, prepare them to take the lead and have ownership over the successes and failures of the school year.
If you are thinking, “how the heck can I do that?”
GOOD NEWS you have access to the G&G Fundraising Specialist Teacher, Lori Sanderson. She is excited to help you get those leaders ready for the next school year!
Here is what she can support you with:
-Advising and Supporting an Officer Team
-Providing Leadership Building activities in class and for your chapter
Here is what you should do next!
Head over to Lori’s Specialist Roster Page
Watch her introduction video
Download her takeaway
Connect with her via Instagram or Email for you specific fundraising needs
Need other specialized support, check out the other G&G specialist teachers!
How to Get You Community Involved in Your Chapter
As a teacher you are booked from 8-3:30 everyday (and some nights and weekends).
Let's be honest. You can’t do it all.
What if there was a way to lighten your load? That would excite you right?!
Community partners, whether they are supporting teachers by being guest speakers or providing a monetary, time, or service donation, they help make our programs stronger.
Time to figure out how to get community partners engaged in your program. And GOOD NEWS, we have just the resource to help you!
We have taken a dive into the Germinate Session Vault and pulled out a session that can give you the direction on how to approach community members to ultimately make them engaged partners from the one and only Cara Parlato-Butler from California.
Sounds too good to be true right?
Well, like the Disney Vault (and Cinderella) this session will turn into a pumpkin and head back to the vault on April 30. Take some time to block off your calendar (approx. 20 minutes) to watch this session and download the takeaways to get your community relationships started before April goes out like a lamb.
Your Fundraising Specialist Teacher
We can all agree on one thing.
There never is enough funds to do everything you wish you could do for your chapter.
And because of this problem, we must add something else to our to do list.
What we do know is there can be a way to have awesome fundraisers that are fully integrated into your program of activities and the three circle model. Whether you’re looking to improve upon your existing fundraisers, or start over from scratch with a new one.
And you have access to the G&G Fundraising Specialist Teacher, Abbey Brown. She is excited to help you raise money to support the awesome things you do as an ag program!
Here is what she can support you with:
-Planning a Successful Fundraiser
-Innovative Fundraising Ideas
-Boston Butt Sales
-Hosting Field-Trips
-Fun Farmer’s Academy (Day camp for kids)
-School Based Enterprises
Here is what you should do next!
Head over to Abbey’s Specialist Roster Page
Watch her introduction video
Download her takeaway
Connect with her via Instagram or Email for you specific fundraising needs
Need other specialized support, check out the other G&G specialist teachers!
How You Can Raise Funds for Your Chapter Without Fundraising
We all know the *typical* FFA fundraisers…
Boston Butts
Plant Sales
Meat Sticks
Cookie Dough
And the list goes on.
What if there was a way for you to earn money for your chapter without the constant management of a typical fundraiser?!
There are a few ways that G&G community members have found success in some not so typical fundraisers! Hear from these successful teachers on the latest episode of the G&G Podcast!
Business sponsorships
Learn how Allison Heald from Alabama got her students National Convention trip paid for by local businesses on the G&G Podcast Episode 132.
Donors choose
Amber Nead from North Carolina has received over $4800 from Donors Choose to fund 7 projects!. Need some tips? Check out her Germinate session from Summer 2020.
Community partners
Your community could be just waiting for the opportunity to help your chapter reach it’s fundraising goals. Check out Cara Parlato-Butler’s Summer 2022 Germinate session on building community partnerships.
Letter writing
What if a simple letter could bring in thousands of dollars for your chapter. Learn how on Episode 18 of the G&G Podcast
School Based Enterprises
Fundraising could be your day to day happenings. Doggy daycare, farmers market, floral shop, the sky is the limit. Check out Abbey Brown from Georgia’s Germinate 2022 Summer session on implementing School Based Enterprises
Ps... wanna raise some funds for your personal development? G&G's inangual PD scholarship application is OPEN. Check it out here!