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Maximize your summer time

beach beautiful bridge carribeanAhhhhhhh, sigh of relief! It's summer time!(I know some of you are still winding down, you got this)I am pretty sure teachers are more excited about summer than students.And I know we still work in the summer. A lot of ag teachers across the nation have extended contracts throughout the summer to engage with students through the three circle model.For me, that looks like two weeks of camps we put on, one week of FFA camp, a half-week of professional development at our state conference, three days of hosting my own virtual summer conference, a couple days of officer training, days of SAE visits, two days a week with students at our farm and more.Doesn't sound like much of a summer, but OH IT IS.Wanna maximize your summer time?Here is my advice for you!SCHEDULE IT ALLSeriously, to the hour. I know that if I don't schedule it (A) won't get done or (B) I'll spent too much time doing one thing that I don't have enough time to do the rest.I have to be organized with my time management or I will waste away the summer I have.I am a big fan of Google Calendar, its quick and easy and always accessible. If you know you have a really busy week (for me camp weeks are crazy), make sure you schedule some breaks afterword to relax with the family or go on a little vacation!I like to break up my summer so I have some time for my own bucket filling, while still getting all the required time of my contract completed.So, how do you spend your summer?Let me know!

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I did a thing...again


So, this fall after a few students found my teacher insta (eye roll here) some of them said, "Why don't you start a podcast?"Haha, me? A podcast? Nope. I already have like a billion things on my plate from First Friday Webinars, to the Green & Growing Mastermind, to Teachers Pay Teachers, to Germinate and more...not to mention teaching.But, as the fall turned to winter and winter turned to summer (did that on purpose, spring doesn't exist in Georgia), I couldn't get it off my mind. I thought maybe I need to be doing this because it is on my heart and won't go away.So of course I needed to think about how this will work.First off, First Friday Webinars will be going away. I know, I hear you my loyal FFW watchers. But, that content was hard to capture and post and find for others to utilize. A podcast on the other hand...it will be there for-ev-er and easy to navigate to episodes and show notes.Secondly, I am a busy wife, mama and teacher. It is hard for me to sit down for thirty minutes attached to a computer with video and audio (that may/may not freak you out). But, a podcast on the other hand, I can listen to that as I make dinner while my kiddos play in the playroom. Or I can listen to in the car, at Starbucks or during planning. Anytime seriously, whatever fits your schedule, you can get that content.And third, you know my mission is to help ag teachers grow personally and professionally. While I know not everyone is up on podcasts, I can share these more easily to those not on the up and up through Facebook, Instagram, email lists and more.So, all that said.Welcome to the Green & Growing Podcast.Episode 1 is here!

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Invest in yourself

"The only person you need to be better than, is the person you were yesterday." -Rachel HollisI am about to embark on a crazy journey in the next 16 months really digging deep into myself, my personality, my leadership style, my weaknesses, my quirks and more.I am more than excited.But, this is an investment. Of my time and my money. And no, none of this is required by my school/county/state.But, I am committed to staying green and growing. So, I am investing the time and the money into myself.And I think you should too. YOU are your biggest investment. Yup, YOU!What do you invest in for you? A celebration here, a new outfit there, maybe a workout plan, what else? What about a couple hours of space and silence? What about a friends weekend away? What about that new book you've been dying to read that is sitting on your shelf collecting dust? What about that podcast that your friend sent you?Investing in yourself doesn't have to be monetary bound. I have grown so much in my personal life, teaching life, leadership life, and business life through free resources.Through things like podcasts (for personal, teaching and business), I've downloaded a billion free lead magnets from some of the best teachers, leaders, bosses around the country. I've watched countless videos on YouTube that have challenged me in my leadership skills.Where do you want to grow?It's time for you to start investing in that ONE area of growth. Invest your time and/or your money.Wanna great place to start? Invest some time and a small amount of money to learn from ag teachers across the county at GERMINATE 2019.

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Why we need to remember

I think we live in a time where we don't remember the past (as much) as we are thinking toward the future.I am one of those people. I tend to imagine my future and all the opportunities at my feet. I try and stay ahead.But, today is a reminder to stop, pause and remember.Memorial Day is not for barbecues, mattress sales, and no school, although they have become synonymous with this day.Today we remember those who fell while protecting the lives of people they never met.Those from way before we (or even out parents/grandparents) were thought of.Those chose to serve, when we chose our own path into adulthood.Those who we will never know their name, face, or story.Remember them. Thank them. And never forget.

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Try, before you are ready

I had an interview a few weeks back.I wasn't ready for it.To be honest, the spring before school lets out is an insane time for a teacher. But, this is a once in every two year chance so I went for it.I was way out of my comfort zone being the only secondary education teacher there with loads of agriculture industry professionals from executive directors, managers, business owners and more.I wasn't ready for it, but I tried anyway.Have you ever heard the saying "If you wait until you are ready to do something, you'll never do it."Kinda reminds me of parenting, if my husband and I waited until we were ready/prepared/all knowledgeable about child rearing we would NEVER have kids.You just do the best you can, say a prayer, and hope for the best.We should do more of that, we should encourage our kids to do more of that.When was the last time you tried something new, exciting, and frightening and you knew you weren't ready for it?Can you remember?I bet the outcome was either (A) amazing, indescribable, exhilarating or (B) terrible, not what you expected and never trying that again. Outcome (B) isn't bad, you LEARNED something right? That is what life is A-L-L about!Let's keep doing things we aren't ready for, I truly think that is where the amazingness happens. And don't forget to get your kid to too!So TRY, before you are ready.

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